Advanced Properties
- Object types allow you to create nested properties that can be used to store more complex data structures. You can use most of the basic property types in an object type. Each row will conform to the same object type. You can also use a multi object type to create a list.
- Special properties are complex properties that you can add to manage your data
- Special Properties:
- Repeat: The repeat type is a preset defined type for use in calendar views to define how an event repeats itself. You can directly
- Relations allow you to create relationships between two contexts.
- Setup a relation by choosing the context you want to create a relation with
- Use two way to add the property in both contexts in sync
- Aggregate allows you to look up a property from related data and aggregate it into one value.
- Select a relation property to calculate the aggregate from
- Select the property from the related context to calculate
- Select one of the aggregate by formulas - See ../../../References/Aggregate in References
- Formulas allow you to calculate a value based on other properties in the context using a formula.
- Formula is composed of a set of functions and has access to metadata of the items.
- Setup a formula by pressing Edit Formula
- Use the formula helper inside the editor or see the reference at ../../../References/Formula References