But why

make.md is part of a personal quest for a digital system to organize my life. As tech is more pervasive and easily accessible than ever, more and more of the aspects of work and life can now be organized digitally, freeing up mental and physical clutter. However, most of the way to keep track of our information is in different apps with data either on the cloud or different formats with no way to connect them. Overtime, the interface and format changes and habits and workflows are broken while important memories and documents becomes inaccessible.

After moving through multiple systems and with some spare time, I created what needed for my personal digital system and found that many in the community was looking for the exact same thing and facing the same problems. We designed the system with three principles in mind to what we think the perfect system needs to have.

Principles of make.md

Remove barriers between data
Data that you have for any part of your system should be readable and useable by any other part of your system. Instead of data living in silo and specific formats and relying on yet another set of tools for integration, make.md removes those barriers and allow information to be in one place.

Making over context switching
One of the primary reasons for digitalizing our data is that we can keep information organized and accessible without cluttering our mind and physical spaces. When we introduce new interfaces, syn-tax and barriers, it takes our mind out of what we want to spend our time on. make.md prioritizes intuitive interfaces and natural modes of interaction over coding and scripting.

Fully customizable workspace
Your life and workflows are unique. Whether you have specific ways of organizing information, different tastes in style, your digital workspace should reflect that. make.md comes with a set of easy-to-use workspaces that are completely customizable to your workflow and style.

The more time we spend our lives digitally, the more intentional we should be in how our workspace is designed. Just like our physical homes and workspaces, the environment we work in matters and reflects in the work we do and the lives we live.

We love discussing and learning more about your ideal workspace in our community, come join the discussion https://www.make.md/community