
Name Type Description
Values any All values from the selected property of each related item
Sum number Sum of all numbers in the property
Average number Average of all numbers in the property
Median number Median of all numbers in the property
Count any Number of items
Count Values any Total of all items in the related property for the items
Count Uniques any Total number of unique items in the related property for the items
Percentage Empty any Percentage of properties that are empty
Percentage Not Empty any Percentage of properties that are not empty
Min number The smallest number in the related property of all the items
Max number The largest number in the related property of all the items
Range number The range of number in the related property of all the items
Empty any The number of items that are empty
Not Empty any The number of items that are not empty
Earliest date The earliest date in the related property of all items
Latest date The latest date in the related property of all items
Date Range date The difference between the latest and earliest date in the related property of all items