
Context Basics

  • Contexts define a set of properties and views for any space.
  • Contexts are great for specific projects, types of information like media library or across your system as an organization system

Creating a Context

  • Each space comes with a context, you can add properties directly to the context and it will be associated with all of your notes.
  • You can find the context view inside the space view.

Context Properties

  • Add new properties or import your existing metadata to your contexts.
  • Choose one of the following properties which each gives you unique ways to represent your data both visually and systematically.
    • Context Property Types
      • Text
        • Any text you want
      • Number
        • Enter any integers or decimal numbers
      • Date
        • Choose a date from the date picker and customize the format to display it in
      • Options
        • A list of options that can be selected through dropdown
        • Support for multiple values
      • Yes/No
        • Toggle between a checkbox
      • Lookup
        • Look up a property of another Link/Context/File field
      • Link
        • A link to a note
      • Context
        • Create an option from one of your Contexts
      • Image
        • Choose an image in your workspace or online to show in your context

Adding Existing Metadata to Contexts

Note: this feature is currently unavailable and will be readded.

  1. Open the Context Properties
  2. Select add metadata.
  3. Select the metadata properties that you want to add

Customizing Properties

  1. Open the Context Properties
  2. Toggle which properties you want to display
  3. Drag and drop the order you want to display the properties in

Viewing your Context

Customizing your Context View

  • Visualize your contexts with different views that tailor to your data and workflow.
  • Each view opens up new use cases for your needs.
    • List View
      • The standard view for contexts is a great way to quickly find what you're looking for with just the information you need.
    • Card View
      • A compact yet versatile view, the card view creates cards that lets you visually preview your notes or group into a Kanban view.
    • Table View
      • Built for data, the table view gives you quick access to view and edit your data as well as shortcuts to sorting and filtering.
    • Flow View
      • Turn your context into a continuous document, the flow view lets you edit all the notes in your folder seamlessly.

Switching Views

  • Try different views for your data by switching views in the View Options menu.

Create a Kanban Board in Card View

  • Quickly create a kanban board using the Card View and Grouping By the property.

Search, Filter and Sort your Context

  • Quickly find your data with a combination of search, filter and sorting.

Searching your Context

  • Easily search from the search bar in your contexts and to search through all your properties.

Filtering your Context

  • Add filters based on different properties in your context.
  • Each property type offers different fitlers, use a combination of filters to create the view you're looking for.

Sorting your Context

  • Select the sort by in the options menu and select the field you want to sort by.